Setup and Install

Easy Draw is not on PyPI just yet, so you cannot pip install it. To use it you will need the file which can be found and downloaded from GitHub.

Easy Draw File

Once you have the file, you can include it in your project directory (the same folder as your project files).


The first and most important dependency required to use Easy Draw is Tkinter. Tkinter is a standard Python GUI toolkit. It should be installed on your system if you have Python installed as it is part of the standard distribution.

It you get an error like the following:

ImportError: No module named tkinter

You may need to install Tkinter on your system.

The second dependency required to use Easy Draw is PIL. PIL stands for Python Imaging Library and is a very popular library used to work with image file with Python code.

If you get an error like the following:

ImportError: No module named PIL

You may need to install PIL on your system.

Last updated